Stage 1: Application submission
Submit your updated CV through our online application form below. If you are not quite ready to submit your CV, you can still register your expression of interest or email our Talent Acquisition Team to arrange for a quick chat to get more information and have your questions answered.

Stage 2: Initial screening
Our Talent Team will review all applications to ensure candidates meet the requirements required for the role. Qualified candidates will be contacted for a preliminary phone call. This is a chance for us to get to know you better and for you to ask any questions you have about the graduate program or Nimbus Health.

Stage 3: Psychometric testing
Candidates who progressing to this stage will be sent a psychometric test. Fear not! This test just gives us a better idea of your personality, working style, and the kind of leadership style that works better for you.

Stage 4: Interview
You might be invited to an interview with leaders from Nimbus Health. This is our chance to get to know you better, and also an opportunity for you to find out what kind of organisation we are. We’ll dive into your placement experiences, discuss what you would like to get out of the graduate program, and explore how you’d fit with our team.

Stage 5: Reference checks
We’ll contact two of your references to hear about your past work or academic experiences. Make sure your references know they will be getting a call from us!

Stage 6: Offer
If everything goes well, our Talent Team will contact you to make a formal job offer. You’ll have time to review it and ask any questions before you officially sign the contract. If you are unsuccessful, we will let you know as well and provide relevant feedback to you.